Monday, April 27, 2009

Nine "Nine Livez"

How many of you remember Nine? Very few I'm sure. His cd was hard to come by even in his day. I remember hearing "Redrum" and just trying to find this album everywhere.

Listen below:

I never really learned much about Nine. You can read about him HERE but it sounds like dude didn't accomplish much after this album.

File this one under: Timbo Knockin Blunt Ash Backpack Rap


Nine "Nine Livez"


  1. At first I thought "Nine? Haven't heard of him." But based on SDTW's track record I knew it wouldn't be some wack shit, so I listened to the 'Redrum' track in the Youtube window, it was aight; when it was done I clicked on a video for a single of his called 'Whatcha Want?' and BOOM, that's when it hit me: this song I remember, I have heard Nine, & way back when this song was on the radio I liked it, but just didn't know who it was. But yeah, seemz he never continued on..

  2. nice one...can remember both records, probally more succesfull here in europe..
