Rollin up on you like pant legs homie.
Monday, October 31, 2011
SDTW Lookbooks Are For Assholes
Oh come "the fuck" on with this shit.
How you gonna try make some pajamas you saw on an episode of Deadwood look cool cuz?
You are playing a game of King Asshole Chess and this is fucking checkmate.
Why do you look so forlorn Jonas? Did you misplace your ivory scrimshaw shave foam brush kit? Is your unicycle tire flat and you are now going to be forced to use a form of "modern" transport to get to your cobbler job today?
Shit is rough man. That's how it goes though.
Well, on the brighter side you do have a sick drift wood x sand rock frame to pose in front of while you contemplate how scathing of a review you're going to type on the new Justice' album. Which of course you will post in the comments section of Pitchfork's review of said album. Because let's be real blood, you know what's really good with shit.
If that doesn't get you excited I'm sure the prospect of quitting your job at a sub-luxury cobbling boutique to start your own hand-made pan mining outfitters boutique will keep you stoked in between tweets of Tom Waits lyrics.
I was going to make my own version of this, but then caught a case of the apathy's.
Shouts to The FlopBox
Nah Stop Foundation Mix
Watch How I'm Gonna Do It On Em
Friday, October 28, 2011
Asappy Friday Bruhhhh...
* - smash
Texas Trill
My people are hyped.
Now that planking is "played out" we had to move on to Tebowing.
If you aren't familiar
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Are You Sure?
Hopefully this becomes a trend...
freestyle walking,
skateboard fuckery,
tom foolery
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Mandatory Fuck the Police...
Although I think the OWS movement is a little disorganized with the amount of other issues getting piggybacked on top of the initial "goals" of the protest. This police fuckery is beyond unacceptable. Regardless of your stance, opinions, etc.....
Do you want to see this kind of shit going down on your streets? I know I dont. /no campaign slogan
I guess the only saving grace out of this piece of shit throwing a flash grenade at a group of people trying to help someone that was injured is that his wife/kids didn't get beat last night.
And yet cops wonder why people like Lavelle Mixon exist.
Help Riff 170 Get A Home
Riff 170 is homeless and if they can raise $4,000 (U.S) that will no longer be the case.
You can make donations at different price points and in return Riff 170 will hook you up with tags, sketches, paintings and so on.
Good art for a good cause.
Info Here
SDTW Look Books Are For Assholes
I'm only posting this as a continuation from the last SDTW LBA4A's
One "mercantile" brand and at least three urban ladder climber photos.
I'm not gonna waste thought on this shit, but I can assure you that the ladder they are climbing is in Williamsburg and not the Bronx.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Durag Rap Vol.1 Presented by SDTW x IMNOTATOY
We (SDTW and IMNOTATOY collectively) felt that the internet needed a collection of rap that is worthy of that durag caliber. We put together a collection of 90's rap gems that posses qualities worthy of the durag.
The end result is 18 tracks plus a little intro of cape flowing rap shit.
If your city or region did not make the cut don't trip because this is only Vol.1 plehbwoy.
No turntables were used or harmed in the making of this iTunes mix.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Current Theme Music...
If these songs dont make you want to act a fool, I dont know what to tell you other than fuck you
Jurne "S" Poster
My buddy Jurne has another new print up. Where he finds the time to draw these fucking things is beyond me, but they are real nice to look at.
My best guess is that he draws all his outlines on the table (pictured below) to get the Science-isms flowing through the brain. Nah mean?
Regardless, these prints are perfect for your spray dojo or creative space.
Grab one HERE
SDTW Approves: Lords Of Apathy
Not sure why it took me so long to add these dudes to the prestigious blog roll. I'd blame it on bongloads, but that is Baby Powder's job not mine so I guess it is just due to sheer laziness that it took me this long to add LOA.
Anyways, LOA has always brought that fire for a long time and you know right from the get go that they know how to write sentences and shit because the site is a blogspot.
Speaking of which, did you ever notice that the best blogs in the world are all blogspots? Fact. Oh you don't believe me.
How do you explain this shit plehbwoy:
Victory Light
Im Not A Toy
Ignored Prayers
Anyways, bookmark these dudes and peep it for all kinds of political, rap, funny type shit.
Lords Of Apathy
Lords Of Apathy
Lords Of Apathy
Everytime I get an anonymous comment on here I tend to think this kid is behind it.
Lil pumpkin pie haircutted motherfucker.
Tommy Wright III
If I could be as relaxed as Tommy Wright's hair life would be a lot easier.
90's rap shit,
havin thangs,
memphis shit,
tommy wright III
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
SDTW Shurt Feelings
It's that time again, where I take a peep into the fascinating world of streetwear t shirt design. Be prepared to have you mind blown away by these titans of industry.
The shirt is actually a sequel to a previous design they did called "Name 4 Things You Don't Have". Sup with this dude anyway? My boy looks like a 3 Musketeer that found a time machine to 2011.
How did it get deeper than sneakers? Do you need a degree now to collect shoes? I'd love to see the class schedule for a Sneakers Major.
Class Schedule:
- Jerking Off 103 (advanced)
- Intro To Light Skinded Rap
- Lacing/Cleaning
- Operating A T-Mobile Sidekick
- Living With Your Moms
Homie put chur lil' Eminem finger down. You look like the "boy" in a young lesbian couple. First off, I can't take anyone with the samurai pony tail serious, ever. You got fucking peace bracelets on. Don't those things make it illegal to have non mellow thoughts? If you're such a bad ass then why are you afraid to wear a t shirt that actually spells "fuck"? You look mad "p*ssy" wearing that "sh*t".
Ahhhhh, what's wrong Sebastian? Why so sad? Is the tumblr server down again? Ah man and you were gonna post "hella" filtered i-phones pics of that Sigur Ros show you went to by yourself. Well at least you got your little tattoo starter kit rocking tough.
Oh it's fucking Dartayan again. What are you modeling this time blood? Oh word? Sucker free. I don't want to be a party crasher here, but this makes ZERO MOTHERFUCKING sense.
It does not work:
- literally
- figuratively
- satirically
- metaphorically
Or any other way. How does this even exist? I would rather rock an all over print Twilight shirt than wear this fucking screen printed enigma. You are free of suckers, but have a girl clearly eating a sucker? Do you not see how this would only make sense to a retard on ecstasy?
All press is good press. So if you wanna cop any of these jawns holler at my boys
The shirt is actually a sequel to a previous design they did called "Name 4 Things You Don't Have". Sup with this dude anyway? My boy looks like a 3 Musketeer that found a time machine to 2011.
How did it get deeper than sneakers? Do you need a degree now to collect shoes? I'd love to see the class schedule for a Sneakers Major.
Class Schedule:
- Jerking Off 103 (advanced)
- Intro To Light Skinded Rap
- Lacing/Cleaning
- Operating A T-Mobile Sidekick
- Living With Your Moms
Homie put chur lil' Eminem finger down. You look like the "boy" in a young lesbian couple. First off, I can't take anyone with the samurai pony tail serious, ever. You got fucking peace bracelets on. Don't those things make it illegal to have non mellow thoughts? If you're such a bad ass then why are you afraid to wear a t shirt that actually spells "fuck"? You look mad "p*ssy" wearing that "sh*t".
Ahhhhh, what's wrong Sebastian? Why so sad? Is the tumblr server down again? Ah man and you were gonna post "hella" filtered i-phones pics of that Sigur Ros show you went to by yourself. Well at least you got your little tattoo starter kit rocking tough.
Oh it's fucking Dartayan again. What are you modeling this time blood? Oh word? Sucker free. I don't want to be a party crasher here, but this makes ZERO MOTHERFUCKING sense.
It does not work:
- literally
- figuratively
- satirically
- metaphorically
Or any other way. How does this even exist? I would rather rock an all over print Twilight shirt than wear this fucking screen printed enigma. You are free of suckers, but have a girl clearly eating a sucker? Do you not see how this would only make sense to a retard on ecstasy?
All press is good press. So if you wanna cop any of these jawns holler at my boys
Monday, October 17, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Putting Lipstick On A Pig Part 2
Why am I supposed to think this kind of chick is hot again?
Please someone explain this phenomenon? Why is it that if you put a tattoo on a chick that is a 5 she becomes an 8? That's like me pouring Tapatio on my dick and thinking Sofia Veragara is gonna want to fuck me.
First offs......
Bitch this is a fucking wedding picture. If your goal is to show how fucking unique you are you might want to not go and do the single most mediocre act in history of the universe.
My aunt's fucking cats can get married, so that shit ain't impressing no one.
Also, just a shot in the dark here, but you probably posted this shit on your facebook? Oh word? Does facebook have a button now that you can click that lets everyone know that you Dad is bummed on you for LIFE. Nothing says great daughter like tit tattoos and fishhook piercings.
Even if you marry the dude from Fall Out Boy I still don't see this shit working out for you. I know you think this photo is what Tim Burton jacks off to, but in reality you are just a semi-basic arm chub chick that works the MAC counter in Reno and your soon to be husband is going to cheat on you at a My Chemical Romance concert after the honeymoon.
part 2,
prestigious knowledge,
putting lipstick on a pig,
Thursday, October 13, 2011
I went down to Portland and saw my buddie's latest show.
One of the best in the game in my astute opinion.
Check more out HERE
good graffiti,
Graphic Design,
Monday, October 10, 2011
SDTW Look Books Are For Assholes
And where in the fuck are you climbing off to homie?
Did you leave your palmade up on the roof?
Is there a fucking Vampire Weekend show up there that only you and the guy from the Apple commercials knows about?
Are these "mercantile" brands that oblivious? Like never in the history of life has a dude with that fucking hair cut ever climbed an "urban" ladder to work unless his job was to find a place to do key bumps.
Outta here = da fuck out
Hey cuz, I mustache you a question.
Why are you a fucking asshole dude?
You trying to win the Guinness Book Of World Records for being the biggest wimp of all time?
You look like when my girlfriend put's on my work shirt and tie and uses her hair to pretend she is a business man dawg. You are now the King Of Isapussy. You rule your domain with an iron limp wrist. I don't think you could even piss sitting down. You probably lay down when you have to pee.
And why the in the fuck are you looking down? Is there a copy of Catcher In The Rye on the ground?
If you've been wondering why there is less of my prestigious op-ed pieces and more just internet shit it is because there is a project in the works.
Until the shit is ready for print I am not going to gas you all up, but be on the look for
Dropping 20 motherfucking 12
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Techno Viking
Friday, October 7, 2011
this dude is my dude
thanks nate
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
SDTW Real Talk Teacher Of The Year
Click this LINK to the watch the video in full size.
The best part is when the teacher says "It's not like you're gonna push through me to get to him, YOU AIN'T!"
We need more teachers like that in school system. Teach the little duns.
Also had this dude been cast in Dangerous Minds the movie would have been like 2 minutes long.
Master P
On steady rotation.
Get it.
I wish I could be this picture for Halloween.
Ice cream cone with money symbol and handguns tattoo > your whole life
Monday, October 3, 2011
Go Big Or Go Home
I expected more out of a guy that rocks a TAPOUT flexfit.
I Heart The Internets
Guest Editor Post: Expresh Letters
Yours truly was asked to compile some images of type/type-centric visuals for a little guest post for the Expresh Letters site.
I dug through a bunch of shit I had after chugging a bunch of coffee and decided on 15 that I felt were worthy of posting.
The one above and this Simpsons frame below are my favorites.
Check it out:
Expresh Letters Guest Post
We Give Up
GETNLOOSE posts everything we would want to post in terms of sprays before I even see it so why even bother.
Bookmark them and save yourself the hassle of having to look for good flicks.
John K. Does The Simpsons Couch Gag
Who and what?
John K. is the dude that created Ren and Stimpy. His illustration style is beyond good and chances are your favorite modern cartoon steals from something he pioneered.
Check out his blog JOHN K STUFF for tons of characters and animation inspirations (stuff you are going to steal)
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