When "Real Talk" hit youtube it was easily the best thing I had ever seen. It is genius. The whole concept is flawless. You have to be a little f*cked in the head to come up with something that out there, but then again Kell's had never really a trouble with being "out there" (see: urinating on someone).
At any rate I thought it would be entertaining to actually look up the lyrics of Kell's finest moment.
Keep in mind the lyrics only represent the conversation from his his perspective.
"Real Talk" by R.Kelly
do I know your friend who?at a club?
who was there? girl I wouldnt
wait a minute, calm down
I was at the club with who?
get tha fuck...man, u know what
Girl Im not about to sit up here and argue with you about who's to blame
I call no names, real talk
see girl, only thing im trying to establish with you is not
who's right or who's wrong, but what's right and what's wrong,
real talk
just because your friend say she saw me at a club with some other bitches
sitting in VIP smoking and drinking and kicking it, tell me girl
did she say there were other guys there?
did she say there were other guys there?
were there other guys there?
well, tell me this
how the fuck she knew I was with them other girls then
when the whole club packed wait a minute let me finish what I've got to say
i've been with you five years and you listening to your motherfucking girlfriends
I dont know why you fuck with them all jealous no man havin ass hoes anyway
real talk
alway accusing me of some old bullshit when Im just trying to have a good time
Robert you did this, Kells I heard you did that
dont you think i got enough bullshit on my mind
real talk, hold hold up
didnt I just give you money to go get yours hair, toes and nails done the other day, hmm
yeah your ass was smiling then
real talk, oh
gave who some damn money?
I aint gave nobody no damn money girl?
is you twikning?
you see what your problem is,
you're always running of at the mouth telling your girls your motherfucking business, when
they dont eat with us, they dont sleep with us, besides
what they eat dont make us shit
real talk
you call my mommas house and what?
girl my momma aint gotta screen no calls for me
real talk, and watch your mouth
fuck me? girl fuck you!
I dont give a fuck about what you're talking about
Im sick of this bullshit im coming home and getting my shit and gettin tha fuck up out in a dodge
you aint gotta worry about me no more
and the next time your ass get horny
go fuck one of your funky ass friends
hell yeah, you probably doing that shit anyway
you gonna burn what?
bitch I wish you would burn my motherfucking clothes
with your triflin ass, milton, you bogus girl, milton
start your ....up and get ready to take me home,
this bitch then lost her motherfucking mind
And if you haven't seen the video feel free to watch it below:
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Actual Pain Pop-Up Store NYC
Get ready NYC to have your face burnt off from Seattle's own Actual Pain.
All posers beware.
Actual Pain Website
Peep my favorite tee of the bunch below:
Heavy Manners/Kellen James/Venture Ad
Heavy Manners isn't in the business of paying for advertising. We sort of feel paying for it is for wankers.
So we simply sit back and wait until weird twists of fate happen like this Venture Trucks Ad for our good friend and recently turned pro Kellen James.
Peep the Heavy Manners/Street Machine shop tee all up in the switch pop shuv sequence.
Here's a close up of the tee:
Time To Get Ignant' NSFW
I forgot how much this song rules.
Honestly, it's like post modern minimal crunk at it's finest.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Ass N' Titties
Came home after a long day at work and found a brand new Rogue Status Insa tee in my mail.
Apparently, the shirt is so awe striking that even Baby Zeus cowers in fear.
Thanks Jason and the whole DTA Posse.
Check the Smog for photos from the opening party.
Rogue Status
Cash Rules and The Charmels
I forgot I had this old Charmels tune laying around my iTunes.
If you don't recognize this break then there is no hope for you or mankind.
Super soulful, but also panty drop worthy.
The Charmels "As Long As I've Got You"
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
San Diego Trip
Baby Zeus getting brolic at the beach
Ay yo ma!
Amazingly Brett kept his shirt on the whole night
The muscles from Brussels a.k.a Lenox's Godfather Matt
F*ckin Geary
Two good blokes
Peter Peter Caviar Eater
Pinche Vince and Taylor
Nick and Mr. Notgoodatdriving Brad
Stop crying and do some push ups
Rime pieces at the Versus Store/Gallery
Ruby is rugged like Rwanda
Shred stick
Good googly moogly
O.G Triple O.G Travis Parker
Versus Store window displays. Nice.
Best dinner of the trip at Linkery with Persue, Trav, and Ker
To everyone I didn't get to see sorry I will catch you all soon.
Happy Birthday
Lenox a.k.a Baby Zeus a.k.a Little L a.k.a Lenox Lickshot turned 2 today. If you see that little m*tha f*cka give him a pound.
Look at him all passed out and sh*t. Get a job bum!
I love this little guy more then the entire world.
Monday, June 23, 2008
DK "Outta Space"
Ed* Big song alert. You'll be hearing this everywhere in a hot second. Don't doubt me.
I'm in outta space bitch!!!
Rest in Power: George Carlin
Taken from the press release:
George Carlin, who had a history of heart problems, died at St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica shortly before 6 p.m., said his publicist Jeff Abraham.
Some selected quotes from the comedic genius:
"By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth."
"Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity."
"I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it. "
"If God had intended us not to masturbate he would've made our arms shorter."
Get Learned
Sunday, June 22, 2008
SDTW presents "Roots Burial Mix"
I sort of went on a hardcore album tangent there for a second. Now I’m going to rewind and get back to some roots.
Usually I post full albums since I’m not huge on just posting single tracks.
This time I hand picked some roots tunes I’ve been listening to for a while that all kind of work together as a mix.
I didn’t bother to actually mix them together, but it’s a mix nonetheless I suppose.
Some tunes are not too hard to come by like “Milk and Honey” and “Keep On Knocking” which are standard classics, but a few like “Babylon Too Rough” by Gregory Isaacs and “Dread Natty Dreadlocks” by Doctor Alimantado are a little more off the beaten path.
I even did a little album cover jammie for you iTunes junkies.
Play List:
1. Prince Alla “Cities”
2. Dillinger “Braces Boy”
3. Doctor Alimantado “Dread Natty Dreadlocks”
4. Gregory Isaacs “Babylon Too Rough”
5. Devon Morris “Su Su Pon Rasta”
6. Dennis Brown “Milk and Honey”
7. Jacob Miller “Roman Soldiers of Babylon”
8. Sylford Walker “Burn Babylon”
9. Ricky Storm “The Way It Is”
10. Willi Williams “Give Jah Praise”
11. Tapper Zukie “ Simpelton Badness”
12. Summer Records “Come Together”
13. Hugh Mundell “Time and Place”
14. The Slickers “Give Us A Break”
15. I-Roy “Sidewalk Killer”
16. Jacob Miller “Keep On Knocking”
SDTW "Roots Burial" (Mix)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Album Cover Art
All of the cartoon covers with the exception of the Jah Thomas album were done by Limonious. He is so slept on it is damn near criminal.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Bad Religion: How Could Hell Be Any Worse?
Not gonna lie to the masses. I was late to this one too. My first encounter with Bad Religion was much later then it should have been. I think it was in 1994 when "Stranger Than Fiction" dropped. I used to listen to that album quite a bit at the time, but you also have to keep in mind that my concept of punk at the time wasn't much more then two Offspring (cringe) albums and NOFX.
Obviously, I came to and got with the program, but my brother Jeremy put it in my head that I was sleeping on the older Bad Religion catalog and should post it up.
I give you the creme de la crem of B.R.
Their first full length recorded on a $1,000 loan from the guitarist's dad. Way to go pops.

Track Listing:
1. "We're Only Gonna Die" (Graffin) – 2:12
2. "Latch Key Kids" (Graffin) – 1:38
3. "Part III" (Bentley) – 1:48
4. "Faith in God" (Graffin) – 1:50
5. "Fuck Armageddon... This is Hell" (Graffin) – 2:48
6. "Pity" (Graffin) – 2:00
7. "In the Night" (Gurewitz) – 3:25
8. "Damned to Be Free" (Graffin) – 1:58
9. "White Trash (2nd Generation)" (Gurewitz) – 2:21
10. "American Dream" (Gurewitz) – 1:41
11. "Eat Your Dog" (Graffin) – 1:04
12. "Voice of God is Government" (Bentley) – 2:54
13. "Oligarchy" (Gurewitz) – 1:01
14. "Doing Time" (Gurewitz) – 3:00
Bad Religion "How Could Hell Be Any Worse?"
Obviously, I came to and got with the program, but my brother Jeremy put it in my head that I was sleeping on the older Bad Religion catalog and should post it up.
I give you the creme de la crem of B.R.
Their first full length recorded on a $1,000 loan from the guitarist's dad. Way to go pops.
Track Listing:
1. "We're Only Gonna Die" (Graffin) – 2:12
2. "Latch Key Kids" (Graffin) – 1:38
3. "Part III" (Bentley) – 1:48
4. "Faith in God" (Graffin) – 1:50
5. "Fuck Armageddon... This is Hell" (Graffin) – 2:48
6. "Pity" (Graffin) – 2:00
7. "In the Night" (Gurewitz) – 3:25
8. "Damned to Be Free" (Graffin) – 1:58
9. "White Trash (2nd Generation)" (Gurewitz) – 2:21
10. "American Dream" (Gurewitz) – 1:41
11. "Eat Your Dog" (Graffin) – 1:04
12. "Voice of God is Government" (Bentley) – 2:54
13. "Oligarchy" (Gurewitz) – 1:01
14. "Doing Time" (Gurewitz) – 3:00
Bad Religion "How Could Hell Be Any Worse?"
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Articles of Faith: Complete Vol. 1 (1981-1983)
I instantly liked Articles of Faith the first time I heard them.
"Bad Attitude" is in my Top 5 Hardcore Songs of all-time, easy.
AOF is a noteworthy group from the hardcore genre mainly because of Vic Bondi's lyrics. He had a lot more to offer in that department versus the whole "I'm hardcore/fuck you/I hate stuff" tunes which were more the norm then the exception during that era. Granted, those ideals are kind of what make hardcore what it is/was in some ways.
At any rate, Articles of Faith had musical chops to boot and played fast and intelligible hardcore that anyone could co-sign and get down to.
I chose to upload the first volume of the Complete Discography seeing as it has all the early stuff.
AOF Discography/Web Page
Articles of Faith: Complete Vol. 1 (1981-1983) Full Album
BCC Tuesday
Ed* Like you could ever get bored of this sh*t.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Blog or Die Trying
I came across this article on the arrest numbers for bloggers rising in countries like China, Pakistan, and Iran. All the usual human rights nations are up in the mix as far as where the actual arrests are taking place. The average sentence for blogging something that is "unflattering" to the prospective government is around 15 months.
In many ways it makes me grateful that you can write something like "George W. Bush is total twat," and know that you aren't gonna get a face full of duct tape that night and a 5 x 5 plastered "time share" as your new home for a year or two.
Arrests for Blogging Rising
Going Back To SD
Baby Zeus and myself will be in SD from Wednesday to Wednesday.
Be prepared to get awesome.
Gorilla Biscuits
The Gorilla Biscuits were actually active after the "end" of hardcore or the years that critics and the like consider to be the end of hardcore.
It really doesn't matter because their first album is considered one of the best to ever emerge from the N.Y Hardcore Scene and is a staple for any collection.
Track Listing:
1. "High Hopes" – 2:25
2. "Big Mouth" – 2:00
3. "No Reason Why" – 1:53
4. "GM2" – 0:21
5. "Hold Your Ground" – 2:02
6. "Breaking Free" – 1:13
7. "Finish What You Started" – 1:41
8. "Sitting Around At Home" (Buzzcocks) – 1:43
9. "Biscuit Power" – 1:24
10. "Short End Of The Stick" – 1:32
11. "Hold Your Ground" (Different lyrics) – 2:04
12. "GM1" – 1:13
Gorilla Biscuits "Self-titled" (Full Album)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Bad Brains
No one dared to show for that shower, when nobody turned to be clean was not even touched by the water, just another Nazi scheme.
The Big Takeover.
All throughout this so called nation prepare yourself for the final quest.
Your world is doomed with our own integration.
Just another Nazi test.
So understand when I say, there's no hompe for this U.S.A.
Your world is doomed with our own integration,
Just another nazi test.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Bad Brains tee
Someone send me this tee please.
Heavy Manners New Website
The youth are getting restless.
New website for Heavy Manners coming in mid-July.
Designed by Ordinary Kids
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