Tuesday, November 6, 2007

New Job

I scored a new full time gig as a "shipping/media" manager.

I now check in and send out orders for a whole bunch of brands that you might have heard of. So if you live in the U.S and buy something by 10 Deep among some notable others there's a good chance I probably got my dirty little hands on it first. Literally.

Also if you haven't already heard Alpha Numeric is relaunching and I will probably be packing/shipping that stuff too.

It's not a glamorous gig or even something I'd brag about, but I'm also not one to front on some blue collar work. I mean if you know me well then you'd already know that I was delivering pizza all last year trying to make that diaper/upstart capital paper.

SDTW says....

"No man's fortune can be an end worthy of his being."

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