I just received an email from my friend Rashi that an old friend
Mikey Dread (reggae artist/producer) has a brain tumor.
He is currently under going treatment at Duke University and is fighting it the best he can. My thoughts and prayers are with him.
I had the privilege to work with him on a couple of shows/projects along with my good friend Matt.
Just being able to sit with him and hear first hand stories about reggae history and his work with The Clash was amazing.
Mikey was responsible for The Clash's "Bank Robber" single off their Sandinista triple album and almost all the reggae tracks that appeared on the rest of "Sandinista."
Mikey's history goes much further back then his work with The Clash. He was responsible for so much that it's just easier to read about all of it in this link then for me to even possibly list:
Mikey Dread Wiki Page
His catalogue is deep as an artist and as a producer. My favorite album of Mikey's I would say is "World War 3."
You can buy it HERE
Mikey Dread "Jumping Master" mp3
Ed* This is one of my favorite roots tracks ever. There's nothing over the top about it, but it just has this sticky dubbed out Radics rhythm to it.
Mikey Dread "Israel (12 Tribe) Stylee mp3
Ed* Mikey jumps back and fourth between roots and rub a dub toasting over Scientist's dub
Mikey Dread "Skinhead Skank" mp3
Ed* Jah loves skinheads
Mikey Dread "Loosers, Weepers, Finders Keepers" mp3
Mikey Dread "Warrior Stylee" mp3
Again my thoughts are with Mikey as I write this.
When thinking about my best memories of Mikey I would have to say the most memorable was when Matt and I went to Martini Ranch in downtown on a typical Tribe of Kings Sound Sunday night and I got Mikey on the phone and asked him if he wanted to come to the dancehall and perform a couple tunes. He agreed and was on his way. He didn't ask for money or for anything at all. He simply agreed to do it just for the love of performing I guess.
The club got really packed even though they had no idea Mikey was even going to perform and when he showed up the bouncers wouldn't let him in because they reached capacity already.
After that we got that situation cleared up Mikey got on stage and Dash put on the "Roots and Culture" .45 and everyone went nuts. Mikey played "Jumping Master" and a few more tunes. Then Dash put on a new riddim that was big at the time to which I can't recall right now and Mikey didn't even get tripped up he just rode it like he just cut a dub or something.
It was one of the best impromptu performances I ever witnessed.
Get well Mikey, you still have much to do in this lifetime.
Check out Mikey's website: