Three district attorneys in New York are trying to charge legendary graffiti writer Ket with the worst sentence in history.
The worst part is that Ket was not actually caught in the act of painting graffiti but caught with photos of graffiti on his computer.
This is an entirely new legal approach in the never ending war on graffiti. Hypothetically speaking if Ket were to be convicted on circumstantial evidence then any graffiti artist could be charged without ever being caught, but by proving that the writer is the same person behind ALL tags, throw-ups, pieces, etc of the name or alias in question.
Hopefully Ket will not be the next martyr for graffiti (for that see: GKAE, Desa, Smash, to name a few) and the case will be thrown out due to the fact that they have zero evidence and that Ket has never been charged or convicted for graffiti in his life.
Also The Stooges are playing this Friday and I couldn't be happier.
So I thought I'd post up some mp threes although if I'm the first person to turn you onto The Stooges then someone did some sort of injustice to you at some point in your life.
Both tracks are taken from "The Funhouse" produced by David Bowie
I haven't posted up some tunes in a minute so I thought I'd post some goodness up for you before I go to bed because work has been brutal this week to say the least and it's been hard to post of late.
Simple rub a dub style beat, pretty sure this one was done by Junjo but I could be wrong. The track is taken from their album "Divorced! (For Your Eyes Only).
Ed* Also worth mentioning best reggae album cover EVER!
Also I found this dead podcast site that had some banging podcasts up of roots, rub-a-dub, and more yardcore stuff.
Download the Sleepy Dub Styleeee of Horace Andy in dub, vicious!
City of God 4 real Ed* Fun fact Brazilian S.W.A.T teams have more close quaters combat experience then any other unit in the world.
Oh I also forgot it's 420 or at least it will be by the time most people read this so I found this:
It's completly worthless, but so is the idea of celebrating a holiday about weed. As if you really need some sort of exscuse to get all spliffed out in your van.
Last year I had set-up a book signing tour for the West Coast release of T-Kid 170's The Nasty.
T-Kid had a signing at Crewest that afternoon, but before the signing we planned on painting at Frame's big LA jam. The list of writers painting was pretty impressive Persue, Mear, Retna, Rime, Argue, Neon, Apex, Jase, King 157, among others.
During the jam we met up with the crew from Bomb It: The Movie. Tracy and crew said they wanted to film later that night and get some bombing footage.
To make a long story short I ended up painting with T and Augor CBS on the 10 Freeway. What I didn't know is that the scene would make the final cut and the film would be premiering at the Tribeca Film Festival later this month.
To see more of Charlie's work peep his Myspace page HERE
You can also view Charlie's work all throughout New York seeing as he is one of the few people on the planet that can paint ads 10 stories tall on the side of a building for companies like Dewar's, Kodak, H&M, Rockstar Games, and more.
Picked up a copy of Bad Brains "Black Dots" finally.
Extremely worth it for anyone fond of Bad Brains.
A lot of the songs on "Black Dots" are also on the self titled ROHR album, and yet they are performed in a such a unique way that it is like hearing the song for the first time.
I decided to do many of you a favor and skim through the crème de la crème of my music blog bookmarks and unearth the "best" the internerd has to offer this week.
If you don't download music from mp3 blogs yet I would strongly suggest getting with the program. Let the sonically obsessed, shut-in, record Nazis, musicanistas do all the work for you so you can go along and be productive cogs in the machine for Amerikkka.
In the last few years I've become somewhat of an animation nerd. Every chance I see some bugged out looking 70's animation movie I usually rent it or buy it straight away. Most of these films come from the mind of one man, Ralph Bakshi.
Bakshi was responsible for bringing R. Crumb's "Fritz the Cat" to the big screen and coincidently the film became the first x-rated cartoon in history.
R. Crumb was never for the "exploitation" of Fritz and he later killed the character off in one of his comic strips after years of being disgusted by fans inquiring about Fritz.
After years of making cartoons Bakshi will have a book published cataloguing all of his works.
Check out the link below.
Above: Peace character animation cell from Wizards